Devilman Movie Review

How will Decker get back home? What's with the space warp? Wait a minute, this is a movie review show! On that note, let's ring in the (blog) new year (so to speak) with (blog) Devilman! The film adaptation of the Go Nagai manga, Devilman was... not... well received. But why is that?Source: Devilman Movie Review - Decker ShadoMore Videos

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Dragonball Evolution Movie Review

Back in 2009, someone finally thought to make a live action adaptation of Dragonball. By that of course, I mean make an action flick with special effects and slap the Dragonball name on it. Oh, it's got characters, and even some situations familiar in the series, but surely no one watching a Dragonball movie cares if it feels sci-fi movies uniquely

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Don't Look in the Basement Movie Review

A classic horror from 1973, presented as a double feature with Last House on the Left, Don't Look in the Basement (or it's alternate title, The Forgotten) is a science fiction movies low budget horror movie set in an Asylum. The premise is interesting, but the funny movies twists more than obvious. horror movie However, does the acting and presenta

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Review

After two less than stellar sequels, things seemed to be on the right track with Jurassic World bringing the Jurassic Park franchise back to it's roots. A big blockbuster dinosaur flick that did so well, another action movie reviews entry in the series seemed obvious. Indeed, this movie made gangbusters at the box office, bringing in over 1 billion

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